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Mona-Pauline Mangakāhia-Bajwa

WIA 24 Mona Pauline Mangakāhi Bajwa photo

Mona-Pauline Mangakāhia-Bajwa

Kaihautū @ E Rea.

Iwi: Ngāti Marutuahu, Ngāti Kuia, Rangitāne, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga

Born from a shearing whānau, has had the honor of spending her early days at kohanga reo, some time at te kura kaupapa māori o Manawatū, and eventually down to the big city lights to VUW. These experiences have shaped the wahine she is today.

Mona-Pauline has spent a significant part of her career working in the public sector. And the last two years, with her husband, bringing E Rea. to life. This pakihi enabling them to fulfil their ultimate aspiration to be absolutely present in the lives of their tamariki.

E Rea. are engagement and project management practitioners. E Rea. weaves together whānau from across Aotearoa. Their lived experiences and learnings originate from deep within their whakapapa. Their whānau are guardians of mātauranga tuku iho from across Te Moana nui a Kiwa, far reaching to India, and back.